Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring's First Blooms

First Day of Spring (3-20-14)

24 Hours Later   (3-21-14)

24 Hours Later (3-21-14)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Proof . . . Spring is Coming!




French Tarragon

water iris . . . just opened pond . . .still needs to be cleaned

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sun Dogs!

Taken around 8:30am this morning, with my phone, through the glass of my patio door . . . because it was too cold to go outside and my deck and front porch had not yet been cleared of snow.  The sun dog on the right is behind the clump of trees.  Beautiful . . . fascinating!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Night Blooming Sierra (Ceresus)

The night blooming sierra (ceresus) . . . blooms only at night with the bloom fully open around midnight . . . the flower dies in the morning.  Very fragrant flower! 

The flower pictures were taken last night at my sister and brother-in-law’s.
The plant picture is of my 3 night blooming sierras. My oldest plant had 2 flower blooms last year (or was it the year before???) . . . but I missed seeing the live blooms but found the dead blooms the morning after  :-(  

(Pictures were taken with my phone, Droid, while my brother-in-law shined a flashlight on the flower bloom!)

Visit for more information on the night blooming sierra.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Dragonfly & Praying Mantis

 Saturday, July 27, we found 2 "baby" praying mantis on my hydrangea bush. 
They were only about 1 inch long . . .