Saturday, September 17, 2011

I Love Fall . . .

the softness of cooler temps . . . crisp nights and crisp mornings
putting my flowerbeds and yard “to bed”
beautiful harvest moons
watching fields of soybeans turn from deep green to shimmering gold, then brown
watching farmers harvesting their crops
the brilliant reds and yellows of trees
the early mum color 
going on picnics, roasting hotdogs and making smores
the smell of wood fireplaces
the smell of leaves burning (in the “old” days)

Fall . . . my MOST FAVORITE season . . . can you tell? 

Monday, September 5, 2011

2 (Flower) Heads Better Than 1 ???

I have only 1 gerbera daisy plant . . . in a pot . . . on my full-sun exposure, south front porch.  Never have I had such wonderful success with a gerbera in a container as with this one.  It has had deep green leaves and been in continuous bloom (2 or 3 flowers open at any given time) since I planted it the end of May. I always use a root start when I transplant flowers, but I don't fertilize after that.  About 3 weeks ago, I noticed the opening of an unusal flowerbud.  

It remains quiet beautiful, don't you think, even as the flower fades . . .