Tuesday, September 25, 2012

ONE Reason . . .

The warm, rich color of mums . . .
ONE reason why Fall is my MOST favorite season!
Red Rooster Grass stayed but geraniums
replaced with mums!  LOVE this combo!
No words needed!

For many years, I planted marigolds in this spot
because they are heat and drought tolerant . . . BUT
they need to be deadheaded  :-(
Then, for several years, I planted vincas . . .
heat and drought tolerant and they deadhead themselves  :-)

I purchased these mums from Lowe's the fall of 2011 . . .
tiny plants in 4" pots, 88 cents each . . .
but look at them now! 
(P.S.  Do you see my gardening buddy?)

Mums . . . new this year from Lowe's ($2.48 each)
in my half-whisky barrel with solar bug zapper!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rain . . . Hail . . . Beautiful Clouds

We got about a 20 minute, fairly heavy rain tonight.  I don't know how much because our electronic rain gauge is not working.  Need to put the reliable plastic tube gauge back out.  Along with the rain, we had 10 minutes of hail . . . pea-size to marble size . . . which melted quickly.

Took these pictures of the storm clouds from my deck . . . as they headed east.  I so love Nebraska skies! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Night Raider & Sunflowers

A year ago, a critter(s) raided our fish pond on 2 different nights, enjoying a gold fish snack, . . . not the Pepperidge Farm variety unfortunately.  During this week-long, fish eating contest, our neighbor's pond and our brother-in-law's pond were also targeted.  All 3 ponds are within 3 blocks of each other. 

Ken rented a trap from Animal Control and 2 opossums were caught, which Animal Control picked up at no charge to us.  When we asked Animal Control what they would do with the opossums, we were told that they are required to release them in the general vicinity.  We were hoping they would deliver them to Wilderness Park.

So, a year ago Ken put lights (electric eye for on/off) in the bottom of the pond, which run all night and seemed to deter our night visitors... UNTIL yesterday morning (Sunday).  We woke up to this . . .
After Sunday morning's raid.
Before the raid.

Murky water and 4 fish remaining of 5.

Water lily remains.   All leaves were severed from the plants. 
The 2 plants in the 2 round pots were torn out of the pots,
which Ken has repotted.All the water lilies have been
put "to bed" early for the winter.
On a happier note, I planted a package of mixed color sunflowers. 
Here are my first 2 blooms . . .