Crab Apple Tree |
Crab Apple Tree in Shade Garden |
Grandma's Blessing Rose Bush |
My first tulip blossom! These tulips have been up since the first of February and have endured 6 snowfalls! |
First tulip blossom! |
Snow Covered Veggie Bed |
Veggie bed before today's work. |
Plastic cover not opened between November and today. Butter crunch lettuce that survived and grew this winter while under plastic. |
Spinach that survived and grew this winter while under plastic |
Arugula, spinach, and butter lettuce that survived and grew this winter while under plastic. |
Step 1 . . . a big THANK YOU to my husband, Ken, for digging out the dirt I put in this bed 2 years ago. |
Ingredients for new soil . . . compost, peat most, and vermiculite. "All New Square Foot Gardening" by Mel Bartholomew Great book! |
Another big THANK YOU to Ken for mixing all the new soil for me . . . 1/3 of each . . . by volume, not weight |
My wheelbarrow . . . two wheels in front make it stable :-) |
New soil in place. Planting done. |
Cherry Tomato |
Heirloom German Tomato |
Seeds, rosemary plant, and tomato plants . . . toasty warm and safe from frost. |