Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring . . . At Last!

Evidence of life returning to trees and bushes . . .
Crab Apple Tree

Crab Apple Tree in Shade Garden

Grandma's Blessing Rose Bush

My first tulip blossom!  
These tulips have been up since the first of February and have endured 6 snowfalls!

First tulip blossom!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Raised Veggie Bed 4-6-13

Snow Covered Veggie Bed
Veggie bed before today's work.

Plastic cover not opened between November and today.
Butter crunch lettuce that survived and grew this winter
while under plastic.

Spinach that survived and grew this winter while under plastic

Arugula, spinach, and butter lettuce that survived and grew this winter
while under plastic.

Step 1 . . . a big THANK YOU to my husband, Ken,
for digging out the dirt I put in this bed 2 years ago.

Ingredients for new soil . . . compost, peat most, and vermiculite.
"All New Square Foot Gardening" by Mel Bartholomew
Great book!

Another big THANK YOU to Ken for mixing all the new soil for me . . .
1/3 of each . . . by volume, not weight

My wheelbarrow . . . two wheels in front make it stable  :-)

New soil in place.   Planting done.

Cherry Tomato 
Heirloom German Tomato

Planted in left section:  radishes, spinach, arugula, kohlrabi, onions,
beets, rosemary plant (which made it through the winter under the plastic!)

Planted in right section:  snow peas and 2 tomato plants.
Frame in place.  Ready for plastic cover.

Seeds, rosemary plant, and tomato plants . . .
toasty warm and safe from frost.