Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Ground Hog Day!

According to all ground hog reports, we have 6 more weeks of winter.  In Lincoln, we are still waiting for winter!  The past month, the weather has been more like early spring or early fall . . . temps in the upper 60's and low 70's.  I am a snow lover but have not complained about the mild weather.  My only concern is that the snow does not wait until April!  We have had a couple of dustings of snow (an inch or less) and even one 6" snow, but none have stayed around for long.  Tomorrow night could bring us up to 3 inches of snow.

Below are some of my feathered and furry winter friends, who are even more beautiful when they are backdropped by snow.

Red Headed Woodpecker

Grackles . . . not a bird we care to see hang out in our yard . . .
but loved the lineup on the fence!

Sooo cute! 
One day, I will get a picture
of the beautiful, black squirrel that lives in the area.

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